Current PDR Cycle (16) – Effective for the period of June 16, 2022 to June 15, 2025
PGA Members must earn fifty-four (54) total credits required PDRs for a three-year cycle; of which at least 30 must come from Education and/or Specified Player Engagement Programs and six (6) must come from Meetings and/or National Survey Submission.
Check your PDR status at any point in time. Call (518) 438-8645 or to check online, simply log into your member account. Visit to log in.
The WNYPGA Section conducts two (2) Annual Meetings for the membership during the calendar year which take place in the spring; typically between the end of March to mid-April and fall is usually end of October to mid-November.
The Fall Meeting is the Annual Business Meeting in which all board and officer elections are conducted and the Spring Meeting is known as the General Membership Meeting.
Meetings are open to any WNYPGA Member (regardless of standing), other PGA Section professionals, and any other stakeholders in the local golf industry. Meetings include general membership discussion, PGA Section and PGA of America national reports and updates, special award recognition, and also include keynote presentations specific to the golf industry overall.
PGA Members receive Meeting MSR Credits (1 MSR Credit per hour) for attendance.
Attendees must register in advance for each meeting.