ELIGIBILITY: Any WNYPGA Member/Associate in good standing can participate in the Club Car Hole in One Club and Shootout.
ENTRY: $25 entry fee for the season (will be automatically re-billed if a hole in one is made).
INCLUDES: One (1) Shot at the End of Year Shoot-Out after the WNYPGA Annual Meeting AND any Professional making a Hole in One while competing in a WNYPGA Section-Sanctioned event will win the Hole in One Pot. The Club Car Hole in One Pot will be split for two (2) or more Hole In Ones during the same event.
RE-BILLING: Participating Professionals will be automatically re-billed $25 after each Hole in One.
CLOSEST TO THE HOLES: For Hole in One Club participating professionals at the determined Club Car Facilities during Section conducted events will receive an additional shot at the End of Year Shootout.
The End of Year Shootout will be conducted after the WNYPGA Annual Meeting at Glen Oak Golf Club.