The Section will conduct the WNYPGA Spring Meeting on Monday, April 15th at Glen Oak Golf Club, 711 Smith Road, East Amherst, NY 14051.
Confirm Attendance for Meeting & Rules Education, HERE
Register for the Drive, Chip and Putt Event, HERE.
The spring and fall meetings are integral parts of the business affairs of the Section and all Members are encouraged to attend. These meetings are your opportunity to learn, ask questions, and provide necessary feedback about both Section and National programs.
MSR: All PGA Members in attendance will receive MSR Credits which will be applied to the PGA/Education requirements of the current MSR Cycle, ending June 15th, 2021. Attendees will receive 1 PGA Required MSR Meeting/Education Credit for every hour present during the meeting and education portion. PGA Professionals competing in the Drive Chip and Putt will also receive 2 MSR to be applied to PGA Tournament Participation (max of 8 credits per cycle). Please bring your PGA ID with you on the day of so that credits may be applied in a timely manner.
**Dress is business attire. All gentlemen are required to wear a jacket & tie.
7:00 AM Coffee/Breakfast and Registration Available
8:00 AM Rules of Golf Changes presented by Andrew Hickey of the NYSGA
9:45 AM Welcome from our presenting partner Signature Golf
10:00 AM Formal Meeting Begins
11:00 AM Section Employment Committee Panel Discussion
11:30 AM Steve Aloi, District IV Director Update
11:40 AM Bryan Karns, Senior PGA Championship Update
11:50 AM Doug Wert, PGA Junior League Update
12:00 PM John Coolbaugh, Tour Update
12:10 PM Open Forum
12:30 PM Projected Adjournment
12:30 PM Post Meeting Drive, Chip & Putt/Reception with Partners and Allied Associations (separate registration is required on the Blue Golf Tournament Schedule)
*Senior PGA Championship Volunteer packages will be handed out on-site.
**All Members in attendance for the day will be receiving a gift compliments of our partners Signs by the Sea.